About Us

Elder Wilbur L. Jones, Jr.
was born and raised in New York City. At the age of ten, he was baptized in Jesus name and filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit. He sat under the spiritual tutelage of Apostle Wilbur L. Jones, Sr., who is also his natural father. In 1997, he acknowledged his call to the ministry and was appointed as a minister at the Beulah Church of God in Christ Jesus, Brooklyn, New York.
In 1998, Minister Jones relocated to Virginia and grew under the anointed leadership of Apostle Michael J. Rogers, Sr., Pastor of Kingdom Cathedral, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Minister Jones faithfully served as the Youth Pastor for seven years and was an active member of the church’s leadership team. In 2005, he was ordained an elder in the Lord’s church through Bible Way Church World-Wide by Apostle Rogers.
In 2015, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, Elder Jones was summoned by God to the Maryland area where he now serves as the founder and visionary leader of Word & Worship Ministry, Inc. Elder Jones ministers by teaching and preaching the Word of God, providing pastoral care, and pointing humanity toward establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Many lives have been changed because of Elder Jones’ love for God and God’s people.
Elder Jones holds a Master of Divinity from the Alliance Theological Seminary of Nyack College. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Management from Regent University.
Elder Jones is married to his beautiful wife, Racquel. The Lord blessed their union with two lovely children, Joshua, and Sara. Elder Jones’ continued prayer is that God be supremely glorified in his life and in the lives of the people he serves.
Ministry Partners
Where Good People Meet a Great God!
Word & Worship Ministry is a church that promotes a life-transforming personal connection and relationship with God. The ministry’s core commitments are to God, family and service to others.
Our vision is to establish a place on Earth where the word and the worship transform humanity through the indelible experience of encountering God’s presence.